Monday, February 6, 2012

Wrapping up the Details

This weekend we took some "glamour" shots for the new Dragon Threads book, Patchwork Sassaman Style. Between spells of sunshine and clouds, we set up scenes to show off the quilts around the house.

Here is Pumpkin, Greg's other assistant, taking a cat nap on the set! A few more words and photos will supply my editor and designer will plenty of goodies to work with. Now back to work!


  1. Just popping in to see what's new! Wow, those quilts in situ are awesome...and so sweet to see Pumpkin! Pretty nice winter, eh?!

  2. I love that black Willow Wands quilt!

  3. Cats have an extra 'quilt' sense, they just know the instant one starts working on one,sitting under one or laying one down somehwere.Within a nano second, regardless of how deeply asleep they were at the far end of the garden, the cat will be ON THE QUILT.
    Great quilts, lovely cat.
