Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Week of Contrasts

Wednesday I returned from a wonderful teaching trip to Florida. I had workshops in Sarasota, Naples and Lakeland. As always, the hospitality and camaraderie was amazing. One afternoon I got to visit the Naples Botanical Garden and this little display of Air Plants was fascinating!

They were simply suspended on weighted fish lines. Each one had a personality of its own. They looked like weird and wonderful pieces of jewelry.

Needless to say, I was drawn to all the curlicues and spirals... some of my favorite shapes.

Look at the movement in this one! It looks like a wild green whirlwind.

I just wanted to wear them all. There are definitely some quilt ideas brewing from this dramatic display. The sun was shining everyday in Florida, but when I got back home the skies were leaden and grey. What a contrast! But I like contrast, so it was fine with me. It's always nice to be home.

So back in the studio there is lots to do, as the book deadline is coming soon. Plenty of writing and finishing of quilts will occupy my time this month. Here is a new Early Birds top that needs quilting. But look as this great view from my studio window. What a better place to work and play?

You may enjoy the special Valentines blog at Quilt Inspiration featuring hearts "Sassaman Style". Guess I'd better start thinking about some new Valentine ideas for 2012.


  1. Those plants are so Sassaman! Love all those curls and twists. I can't wait to see the ideas they have nurtured.

  2. The air plants are so amazing and full of inspiration! Your studio view is a winter wonderland, a great backdrop for all the colour you use in your studio.

  3. Loved the air plants - another idea for the garden - thanks for sharing that gem. Your winter is just soooo different to Brisbane where it's a humid & wet summer with a lot of water lying around.

  4. Air plants are the strangest things, I had never seen them before your post- most impressive shapes and swirly bits that reminded me of octopuses and squids! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Cold here, but no snow.Those air plants are amazing, not seen those swirly spirally ones before.
