Friday, November 2, 2012

International Quilt Market

I'm back from the International Quilt Market in Houston. This year I was in the Dragon Threads booth to promote Patchwork Sassaman Style and did some book signing at the beautiful new Westminster booth, too. I didn't get far beyond the booth this year but, of course, made time to visit the quilts on display.

I was so surprised that Fairfield, my favorite batting company, had my Willow quilt on display! It was great to see "my baby" again. I could get close enough to examine the stitches that I made so many years ago.

But the real treat was to see my friend Pat Holly's entries in the quilt show. Her work is achingly beautiful!! Here is Imagining India in silk and lame... it just glowed. Check out the details...

And details are what Pat's work is famous for. There are tiny little blanket stitches around even the tiniest appliqued shape. Amazing!

OK, now that we are feeling overwhelmed, take a look at her next piece...

This is a miniature quilt is called Tiny Tigers. I love that it mimics the shape of the big quilt but is only about 10" wide. These vibrant treasures have got me itching to stitch! I think I'll pull out my little collection of silks and see where they take me.


  1. Beautiful post Jane. It was so nice to see you there. I enjoyed our visit on the shuttle!

  2. Oh my- those are wonderful quilts- love the photo of you and Willow.
