Friday, July 6, 2012

Jane's Day to Host the Tour!

Welcome to my blog! Those of you who are regulars here, know that I often begin with a weather report to set the scene. And you know, too, that I love bad weather. But HOT weather is not included.
It hasn't been this hot for years. Even the studio, which is basement cool, has warmed up to an uncomfortable degree.

Greg has been diligently watering, but all his best efforts can't keep up with this heat. But it is amazing how sturdy most of the prairie plants are.

I got several emails this week asking about the quilting on the Folk Art Flag from last weeks post. Here is how I did it... I draw my quilting lines on Golden Threads paper and pin the paper to the quilt. Using 12wt thread through the top of the machine and a matching color of 50wt in the bobbin, I stitch right through the paper.

This paper has revolutionized my quilting life! I used to mark directly on the quilt with a soft pencil which took lots of time and was not as precise. Golden Threads paper tears off beautifully and leaves the stitching undisturbed. Then I pull all the thread tails to the back, tie and bury them with an Easy Threading Needle.

You can read more about my quilting and designing techniques in Patchwork Sassaman Style. In fact,
I will give away a signed copy of the book and a Curlicue bundle of half-yard cuts (from the Early Birds collection of fabric) to a randomly selected reader who leaves a comment below. Good luck, everyone!

PS... There is a new link to my webstore at the top of this page, just incase the website is still under construction.


  1. Such beautiful flowers, wonderful inspiration. Would love to have a bundle of your fabrics! Stay cool

  2. Your garden looks beautiful despite the heat. What a great source of inspiration for your fabrics.

  3. I empathize about the heat. In the DC area, we are having record breaking heat...and I am definitely staying inside more than I like. At lead our power is back on!

    I loved your first book and I'm grateful for a chance to win your second one!! The fabric looks beautiful.

  4. Always a fan of your work, I'd love to win a copy of Patchwork Sassaman Style. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. I've been a fan for ages, and am always excited to see "what comes next"....I'm re-doing a guest room, and I have a feeling you (well at least your fabrics) will be staying there.

  6. Hi Jane,
    Congratulations on your new book and thank you for the opportunity to win a copy. Love that Curlicue line.

  7. I love your work and would love to win a copy of your book! The fabric is gorgeous! I hope you find some relief from the heat!! It's blazing hot in northern Ohio too!

  8. The Golden Threads paper is a new product to me--thanks for the recommendation! I am really looking forward to seeing your new book--I have always been so admiring of your fabric.

  9. Your fabrics look as though they've just jumped from your garden--I love the colors! Didn't know about Golden Threads papers--will have to watch for them and give them a try (assuming I finish something to the point of needing to quilt it!)

  10. Sorry about your heat. Central Oregon is still around 80 degrees. The Sisters quilt show might get to 90 degrees. Loved your class I took about nine years ago in Camp Sherman. So happy you've come out with a new book. Thanks for the opportunity to win one.

  11. I just returned from Paducah where I purchased some of your fabric. I love it! Would love to have more.

  12. It's been super hot here (in Oklahoma) too. Your book looks wonderful and I'd LOVE to win a copy - thanks for the chance.

  13. What a great giveaway. I'd love to win the fabric and books. I missed a chance to take your asilomar class a few years back and I've regretted it ever since. Are you teaching anymore?

  14. It has been super hot here. High 90s into the 100's. Thanks for sharing about the paper. I love your flowers. So pretty. Would love a chance to win. Thnkx
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  15. The quilt looks beautiful! When you use the paper, do you use a regular foot or a free motion foot?
    I'd love to win too!

  16. So fortunate that the weather is cool but sunny here on the Olympic (WA) peninsula. Would love to win your book,Jane. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. Fabulous flower photos Jane. And I LOVE Golden Threads paper too. Would love a copy of your new book.

  18. Your tips are great, thank you!:)
    Stay Cool!

  19. I love when you have pictures of you garden on your blog. Book and fabric, pick me random generator, please!

  20. Fabulous! thanks for sharing. Can't wait to take a good look at the book!

  21. Your quilt designs and fabrics are always awesome. As a fan, I'd be over-the-moon excited to win a copy of Patchwork Sassaman Style. Thanks for the chance to win. Congratulations on another book published!

  22. thanks for the chance to win your book and fabric. great stuff!

  23. Love the pictures of your flowers that you always post, they're only a dream in hot & dry NC at this time of the year. I have a huge bin of your fabric that I've been buying over the last 2-3 years and would love to win your book so I could finally figure out how to use it!

  24. Love the flowers and would love a signed copy of the book. Stay cool if you can!

  25. I would love to win the book and the fabric. I have several of your fabrics and am drawn to them for two reasons: they are lovely and they make me Smile! Thanks for the opportunity.

  26. Thanks for the tip. I have never tried that paper. I would love to win the prize.

  27. The book looks beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win it and gorgeous fabric as well.

  28. Thank you for the quilting tip - I'll certainly try that paper! I love your designs and would love to win the book.

  29. I'm so excited about this book! Those fabric bundles look delicious too :)

  30. You are such an inspiration. Thank you for making quilting

  31. You are such an inspiration . Thank you for making quilting
    exciting! Sorry about the last comment I'm not unknown, I'm Betsy!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. That paper sounds wonderful!! I am passing that info on to my guild. I would be a grateful winner of our book.

  34. Your designs are always lovely. Would love a copy of your book or the yummy looking fabrics.

  35. Jane, your use of color is amazing. I'd love towin a copy of your book and fabric.

  36. So excited about your new book. I too am a big fan of lots of bold color. I would put the fabric to immediate use.

  37. Just found your blog via Pinterest (pic of kitty on square quilt). Love your work (and love contests, LOL)!

  38. I enjoyed this blog very much! Also, I want the book & fabric!!

  39. Great idea about using the Golden Threads paper, thanks. Your book must be filled with lots of fabulously creative ideas; can't wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway - those fabrics are wonderfully bright.

  40. I love your quilts and designs. I had signed up to take a class with you not too long ago but had to cancel due to the illness of my father in law who ended up passing at the age of 99. I hope I win!

  41. Dear Jane, Thank you for writing a new book. I loved the first one and your fabric is Delightful! I hope I win, Kristy

  42. I have been following the tour. I hate to say this but I am new to all you do. I love the cover on the book and I look forward to more of the tour to see more inspiration.

  43. Love your fabric - your designs are so mystical and ancient.

  44. I LOVE YOUR BOOK! Wow, I didn't think this giveaway could get better than just giving away your wonderful book, Jane, but this is amazing! See 'About' in my profile for contact email. Thank you for the greatest giveaway! :)

  45. Bundles of Jane,,,and a chance to win the book too?! I love it! Thanks for the chance....

  46. I am so glad I visited to get a chance to win your book. I have two huge rolls of similar paper and I never thought about using it to mark and quilt through.

  47. Thanks for the great quilting tip & the giveaway. We are just getting summer weather here in the Pacific Northwest. I'm not complaining.

  48. I love your fabric and your blog. Thanks for sharing

  49. Wonderful book. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  50. Don't think Golden Threads paper has made it down under jst yet! Thanks for the giveaway!

  51. Bring some of your warmth over the sea to us when you come to visit in August please Jane! It hasn't really warmed up at all this "Summer" and it has been dull and dark and chilly and WET. My Gazanias nowhere near ready to flower, nor my Monarda!
    That golden threads paper looks the bees knees- I've tried the drawing on method, but it is never as easy as you think it will be when you start drawing and as for the endless search for the perfect pen/pencil/marker...I shall see if that paper is available over here.Thanks for the tip!

  52. You have always been an inspiration to me. I find your use of colour intriguing and I love your organic shapes.
    Congratulations on your new book

  53. Jane I just love your creations and your creativity. I'm so happy that you also share this with all of us bloggers (and others). Thanks a bunch!

  54. I have loved your style since I first saw your first book. Have made several bed size quilts using your fabric. My garden is my biggest inspiration.

  55. I love your Hollyhocks in a previous post! Would love a chance to curl up with your book and learn more. You've got quite a talented circle of friends. What fun you all must have.

  56. Great idea for the golden threads paper. If I don't win your book, I may just have to get it to learn that technique.

    Great blog.

  57. Beautiful fabric and congratulations on your new book!

  58. Your work is gorgeous. I appreciate the information about the Golden Thread paper. I hope to find it in our area. Thanks for sharing your work.

  59. Your colours, your style, your blog...I love it all. I have been following you for a while now and look forward to seeing what you have to say.

  60. Monarda! Oh, we are burning up, too. I've spent the last two hours watering but I can't see that it is doing any good. My magnolia is perishing! xxoo Patty

  61. I am another fan of Golden Thread paper. Your books and fabrics are great. I would love to own a copy of the book.

  62. Jane, I am seriously your number one fan. I would soooo love to win the book!

  63. such lovely flowers and the colors for your materials are always something to look for

  64. Your fabrics are so inspiring. Thanks for the giveaway.

  65. Stitching THROUGH the fabric seems like a great idea! Thanks... BTW, your fabrics are beautiful!
    (new to your blog) Trish

  66. Jane , I took a class from you several years ago in Bloomington,IN. It was wonderful! I have made several quilts from your fabric and can't wait to get my hands on this book so i can make more. Sooooo, pick me please so i can start sewing !

  67. I'm very impressed with this book and very curious to see these recipes. Thanks for writing it.
    Thanks for the info. about the golden threads paper.

  68. I always love looking at your garden pictures. And, your artwork.

  69. Love your big bold prints and I will have a copy of your new way or the other....

  70. I have collected your fabrics for awhile now, don't know why it took me this long to figure out that I should sign up for your blog too! I love your fabrics.

  71. I love your fabrics, and would love to win a copy of your new book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  72. Your new book looks fabulous! Hope I win!
    Judy Forkner

  73. What a great blog tour! I can't wait to see your new book! Isn't this heat the pits?! If only we could get some rain! Oh well - at least we aren't having fires and floods! Just stay inside and quilt! Thanks for the chance to win your book and fabric!

  74. I love your paper tip.
    The cover of your book is just beautiful. I would love to win a copy.

  75. Can wait to see your book, the fabric looks wild and wonderful, thanks

  76. I am new to your fabric and style, but absolutely love it! Would be thrilled to win a copy of your book and some fabric.

  77. Thanks for the Golden Threads paper tip! And also for the chance to win your new book! I love your designs.

  78. Loving the tour -- so much beautiful art and great ideas. Very inspiring! And I love Early Birds!

  79. Would love this count me in... hot in Texas

  80. Hi Jane,
    I can't tell you how much you inspired me to do my own design work. Currently, I am a finalist in the Mccall's Design Star Contest and hopefully I will be moving on to the 2nd challange. I will know by Tuesday. The contest organizer has sent me a yard of fabric that will be used in the 2nd challange should I move on. This is why I came to your website to see what you are up to, to inspire me. The fabric piece they sent reminds me of your work. Great to know you came out with a new book, congrats! A have to have, so count me in for the drawing. Sincerely Joy Tallman

  81. The fabric bundle looks as yummy as the flowers! I have enjoyed sewing with polka dots from a prior collection of yours.

  82. I have never heard of the Golden Threads paper but I will find it and try your technique....thanks for the chance to win the book and fabric....I totally love your fabric.....

  83. WoW! I just found you and I love what I see. I've just become a follower as I don't want to miss anything more. hehe. Your fabric and book look amazing and can't wait to see more.

    Thank you for a generous giveaway and a chance to win a great book and gorgeous fabric.


  84. I have always loved your work, and am thrilled to see you have a new book out. Love the bright fabric too!

  85. Thanks for your tips on quilting with the Golden Threads paper - I will try and find some here in the UK!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!

  86. Your bee balm looks beautiful!

    I am glad to find out about the tear-away paper. I need to get some when my quilts get to that point. Right now, they are just patches.

  87. I am out in the Californian Desert where it is indeed WARM. Love looking at & using your fabrics - they just jump right off my sewing table. Took a class with you in Victoria, B.C. at Satin Moon & enjoyed it & the lunch following. Your blog & fabrics continue to inspire me.

  88. I am a new quilted and I'm fascinated by your approach to fabric. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

  89. I have a lot of your fabrics, Jane, and would love to add the curlicues to them and also the book, of course! Thanks for counting me in.

  90. The garden looks lovely. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of your new book or fabrics.

  91. Your garden looks so pretty - a real inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway!

  92. Love your garden. Love your quilts. Thanks for the giveaway

  93. Great inspiration! Thanks for the giveaway!

  94. After taking your workshop with the West Suburban Quilt Guild this spring, I have become addicted to your fabrics and techniques. Thanks for the inspiration!

  95. Love the folk art flags!

    Your collections have always inspired me. The early birds one is no exception!

  96. I hope I'm still in time for this draw! I will be taking a class from you in September in Ontario. Can't wait...

  97. Beautiful fabrics and the new book looks fabulous! I am going to check it out! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  98. I loved your first book and I am excited about this new one!

  99. 53Good Morning Miss Jane, We met several times at Quilting Adventures in Texas. I was not your student. You saw some of my work and I proudly quote," you have good control of stitch". Words that I took to heart. I am now showing in 3 Gallerys and quilting and designing full time. It's all good!
    Congratulations on your new book.
    shelly beth to be seen at fibermoon on face book

  100. WOW!! What a fantastic give away!! Congratulations on a wonderful book!!
    Thanks for the chance to win it!

  101. Put me in the drawing! I want want want to win!

  102. Can't get enough of your quilts, Jane

  103. I have just discovered your blog and now, forget lunch, I have to go and pull out my Golden Threads paper and do some quilting!!!

  104. What a beautiful work environment. I adore your desings and cannot wait to get a copy of your new book. It would be fabulous to win a copy...thanks for the chance.
