Monday, July 23, 2012

Back to the Drawing Board

The hot weather and a tight deadline have added incentive to spend lots of time in the studio this month.
Since Westminster has requested two lines of new fabric per year I now have until September 1 to complete some new designs. I love to immerse myself in designing, but I'm not fast so it's a bit frantic.

Here is our latest quilt from the Early Birds line. It is the Fancy Nine Patch recipe from the new book, Patchwork Sassaman Style. It is made with just four fabrics. The blocks are made with four fussy cut squares from two different colorways of the Prairie Poppy fabric. The blue and black border is a selvedge to selvedge cut of the blueberry Cheeky Checks. The border is  the blueberry Prairie Poppies again. Solid black squares anchor the corners.

Above is the fabric in it's original form. Below you can see the wonderful swirl that was formed by fussy cutting and stitching. The graduated greens really radiate nicely.

Just a reminder... tomorrow is the last day of our wonderful Blog Tour to celebrate the new book. Don't forget to check into Nancy Zieman's blog for your last chance of winning a copy for yourself.
In any case, you can find it at your local quilt store or online. Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to visit our generous blogging friends.


  1. Cant wait to get my hands on this book...and of course the fabric!

  2. Great lilies- mine are just coming out too- odd how sometimes plants where you are are way ahead/way behind mine and them some of them bloom at exactly the same time!

  3. My quilting friend and I made a quilt with your cone flower fabric this weekend using this same layout. I came out pretty cool. I posted a picture of it on my blog.

  4. Not I came out pretty cool - it came out pretty cool
