Saturday, June 23, 2012

Super "Patchwork Sassaman Style" Blog Tour!

It has been years since our hollyhocks have performed so nicely! These blossoms have just a blush of pink. They are such an old fashioned flower and always remind me of  Kate Greenaway illustrations.
Today they are announcing our July Super Blog Tour to celebrate my new book, Patchwork Sassaman Style!! The publisher Dragon Threads has organized a three week blog tour beginning July 2.

Each day one of my talented friends will be giving away a copy of the book or other goodies to a lucky reader. This is a wonderful way to share the wealth in this crafty and creativity community. The schedule is posted here. Be sure to print it out and mark your calendars so you don't miss anything!

date name blog
2 Laura Wasilowski
5 Judy CoatesPerez
12 Weeks Ringle
19 Anita Grossman Solomon

Last week I taught at the Minnesota Quilt Show in Rochester. The quality of the quilts on display were extra ordinary. Quilters have become very sophisticated and skillful over the years. All the classes went well, of course, my students were the best! But every instructor said the same thing!!

Here are two examples, in progresss, from the broderie perse class, Bountiful Bouquets. This student used the Strawberry Serenade fabric for her project. The characters are big so it was easy to cut them out for rearranging. Since the background of the print is black the shapes blended perfectly on the black  fabric behind them. I love the bird perched on the bleeding hearts.

This composition successfully combines some vintage Sassaman fabric with some of Amy Butlers new
line, Lark. It really makes me happy when my designs play so nicely with others!


  1. Your fabrics set the standard, as far as I'm concerned.

  2. Are the websites correct? There are an awful lot of them for artfabrik, for example.
    The new book looks awesome.

  3. Thanks for noticing. It is all fixed now.
    Jane S

  4. Love your work, Jane! Can't wait to see the book!
