Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Season for Reflection

Last week marked the culmination of several important events. The first was The International Quilt Market in Houston, which was early this year and had vendors scrambling to prepare their wares in time, including me! Here is a picture of my booth. I decided to be spare and modern this season, with just a black surround to show off the new fabric and patterns. (More about them next week!)

My sister was kind enough to take time off to help "mind the store". It was a nice opportunity to introduce her to the "wonderful world of quilting". The booth was perfectly positioned on a main isle, so even though I could not wander, I was able to greet all my friends as they happened by. As always, Houston Market was a grand time to reconnect, review and to see some extra ordinary quilts.

Many new projects were being promoted, of course. One of these was a new book by Eleanor Levie called Unforgettable Tote Bags. This is another of her collaborative projects in which she invited several quilters and designers to create or decorate a practical and ecological tote bag. Here is my contribution, a liner for your bike basket-very green-no plastic bags and no gas!

This design was inspired by the new European craze to personalize your bike with paint, flowers and found object collage. We used Prairie Gothic fabrics and plenty of Art Girlz felt beads, of which you can never have too many!

After my return from Market, the MetCap Bank hosted an opulent opening for my show. It was a dark and rainy night in Chicago, but the beautiful Tree Studios and so many old friends made it a night to remember! The work is on display through January 15, so please stop in if you have a chance.

So now I am sighing a breath of relief and trying to regroup for the next season of dreaming, designing and SEWING! I am taking the month of November to work on a new art quilt, which is much overdue and heavenly to be working on as we watch the autumn landscape make dramatic changes everyday!


  1. Patterns? Please, please, please let there be one for the cowl scarf, which I have been lusting after for months.
    I love your quilt designs, but the cowl I could actually finish!

  2. Anything but the black background at your booth would have been too distracting. Beautiful job. I love the bike bag. . .now if I only had the bike to go with it!

    I made a point of stopping in at your show at the Metcap building while I was in town really enjoyed myself! I took a lot of pictures and my non-quilting friend, who came with me, loved that I had dragged her along. Not only did we love seeing your quilts closeup but the building that the Metcap is in was worth looking at all on it's own. Such beautiful architecture and woodwork!

  3. What an inspirational booth, Jane -- wish I could have been there in person to touch the fabrics and greet you with a hug!


  4. Wondering what to do with my now empty wrought iron window boxes, I decided earlier today that I would create canvas inserts, but I didn't know what I would put therein. Then I decided to make the inserts appear to be gift boxes with big Red Bows! Then I see the bicycle basket liner and I am convinced this is how my window boxes should appear this winter.
