Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

The last two weeks have been busy, as I'm sure yours has been, too. But there has also been some time to relax and regroup for the new year and the next big creative push. The still life photo above was taken on Christmas morning. 

Last week I started a new Prairie Gothic quilt, but ran out of fabric. So I used that as an excuse to make a small art quilt, 20" x 26". It has been a while, so I went to my "Orphan" box and pulled out some shapes from a deserted project and began to play. This funky plant began to develop. I bound it this morning. Perfect timing, as I begin work on the next fabric line this Monday.

So this holiday season has been a nice break and I'm ready to get back to reality. Yes, I've made some resolutions, too... more space, more exercise, more blogs, new website and maybe a new book. New Years is wonderful for great expectations!

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