There have been dramatic changes in the landscape this week. The soybeans have suddenly turned the countryside golden and the green corn is beginning to brown. Plus it has been one of the wettest weekends ever recorded here. Autumn atmosphere has arrived. In the depths of the forest behind the house the dripping canopy of trees look dark and mysterious. The soaking black trunks and stumps are sprouting some of the most amazing forms. Greg spends lots of time pouring over the mushroom guides, as he is anxious to harvest some for our dinner. But so far, it is hard to determine the good from the bad! But design wise they all look fine.

These Baneberries look like an "eyeball" plant. Love it! So I guess you can see where my inspiration comes from. There is so much LIFE, even here in the "ordinary" Midwest! And that is exactly what the Prairie Gothic fabric designs are all about.

The insect world is a big part of the action, too, so they also have a starring role this season. This is a design I have been thinking about for years. It is one of the three designs (in all three colorways) being printed in home dec fabric. I'd like to recover the porch furniture with "bugs".

In keeping with this mysterious theme, here is the Lace pattern, also in the Midnight color way.
This is another design playing off Queen Ann's Lace, but from a different perspective this time.
I think this would make awesome napkins or a table cloth. Hopefully, you are dreaming up some projects of your own, too!